Job interview Questions & answers PHP

Posted by Unknown at 01:20
Job interview Questions  & answers PHP

PHP Questions and Answers

How To Append New Data to the End of a File?

If you have an existing file, and want to write more data to the end of the file, you can use the fopen($fileName, "a") function. It opens the specified file, moves the file pointer to the end of the file, and returns a file handle. The second argument "a" tells PHP to open the file for appending. Once the file is open, you can use other functions to write data to the file through this file handle. Here is a PHP script example on how to use fopen() for appending:

$file = fopen("/temp/cgi.log", "a");
fwrite($file,"Remote host:\r\n");
$file = fopen("/temp/cgi.log", "a");
fwrite($file,"Query string: cate=102&order=down=en.\r\n");
This script will write the following to the file:
Remote host:
Query string: cate=102&order=down=en.
As you can see, file cgi.log opened twice by the script. The first call of fopen() actually created the file. The second call of fopen() opened the file to allow new data to append to the end of the file.

 How To Read One Line of Text from a File?
If you have a text file with multiple lines, and you want to read those lines one line at a time, you can use the fgets() function. It reads the current line up to the "\n" character, moves the file pointer to the next line, and returns the text line as a string. The returning string includes the "\n" at the end. Here is a PHP script example on how to use fgets():
$file = fopen("/windows/system32/drivers/etc/services", "r");
while ( ($line=fgets($file)) !== false ) {
$line = rtrim($line);
# more statements...
This script will print:
# This file contains port numbers for well-known services

echo 7/tcp
ftp 21/tcp
telnet 23/tcp
smtp 25/tcp
Note that rtrim() is used to remove "\n" from the returning string of fgets().

How To Read One Character from a File?
If you have a text file, and you want to read the file one character at a time, you can use the fgetc() function. It reads the current character, moves the file pointer to the next character, and returns the character as a string. If end of the file is reached, fgetc() returns Boolean false. Here is a PHP script example on how to use fgetc():
$file = fopen("/windows/system32/drivers/etc/services", "r");
$count = 0;
while ( ($char=fgetc($file)) !== false ) {
if ($char=="/") $count++;
print("Number of /: $count\n");
This script will print:
Number of /: 113
Note that rtrim() is used to remove "\n" from the returning string of fgets().
What's Wrong with "while ($c=fgetc($f)) {}"?
If you are using "while ($c=fgetc($f)) {}" to loop through each character in a file, the loop may end in the middle of the file when there is a "0" character, because PHP treats "0" as Boolean false. To properly loop to the end of the file, you should use "while ( ($c=fgetc($f)) !== false ) {}". Here is a PHP script example on incorrect testing of fgetc():
$file = fopen("/temp/cgi.log", "w");
fwrite($file,"Remote host:\r\n");
fwrite($file,"Query string: cate=102&order=down=en.\r\n");

$file = fopen("/temp/cgi.log", "r");
while ( ($char=fgetc($file)) ) {
This script will print:
Remote host:
As you can see the loop indeed stopped at character "0".

How To Read a File in Binary Mode?
If you have a file that stores binary data, like an executable program or picture file, you need to read the file in binary mode to ensure that none of the data gets modified during the reading process. You need to:
Open the file with fopen($fileName, "rb").Read data with fread($fileHandle,$length).Here is a PHP script example on reading binary file:
$in = fopen("/windows/system32/ping.exe", "rb");
$out = fopen("/temp/myPing.exe", "w");
$count = 0;
while (!feof($in)) {
$buffer = fread($in,64);
print("About ".($count*64)." bytes read.\n");
This script will print:
About 16448 bytes read.
This script actually copied an executable program file ping.exe in binary mode to new file. The new file should still be executable. Try it: \temp\myping

How To Write a String to a File with a File Handle?
If you have a file handle linked to a file opened for writing, and you want to write a string to the file, you can use the fwrite() function. It will write the string to the file where the file pointer is located, and moves the file pointer to the end of the string. Here is a PHP script example on how to use fwrite():
$file = fopen("/temp/todo.txt", "w");
fwrite($file,"Download PHP scripts at\r\n");
fwrite($file,"Download Perl scripts at\r\n");
This script will write the following to the file:
Download PHP scripts at
Download Perl scripts at

How To Write a String to a File without a File Handle?
If you have a string, want to write it to a file, and you don't want to open the file with a file handle, you can use the file_put_contents(). It opens the specified file, writes the specified string, closes the file, and returns the number of bytes written. Here is a PHP script example on how to use file_put_contents():
$string = "Download PHP scripts at\r\n";
$string .= "Download Perl scripts at\r\n";
$bytes = file_put_contents("/temp/todo.txt", $string);
print("Number of bytes written: $bytes\n");
This script will print:
Number of bytes written: 89
If you look at the file todo.txt, it will contain:
Download PHP scripts at
Download Perl scripts at

How To Write an Array to a File without a File Handle?
If you have an array, want to write it to a file, and you don't want to open the file with a file handle, you can use the file_put_contents(). It opens the specified file, writes all values from the specified string, closes the file, and returns the number of bytes written. Here is a PHP script example on how to use file_put_contents():
$array["one"] = "Download PHP scripts at\r\n";
$array["two"] = "Download Perl scripts at\r\n";
$bytes = file_put_contents("/temp/todo.txt", $array);
print("Number of bytes written: $bytes\n");
This script will print:
Number of bytes written: 89
If you look at the file todo.txt, it will contain:
Download PHP scripts at
Download Perl scripts at

How To Read Data from Keyborad (Standard Input)?
If you want to read data from the standard input, usually the keyboard, you can use the fopen("php://stdin") function. It creates a special file handle linking to the standard input, and returns the file handle. Once the standard input is opened to a file handle, you can use fgets() to read one line at a time from the standard input like a regular file. Remember fgets() also includes "\n" at the end of the returning string. Here is a PHP script example on how to read from standard input:
$stdin = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
print("What's your name?\n");
$name = fgets($stdin);
print("Hello $name!\n");
This script will print:
What's your name?
Hello Leo
"!" is showing on the next line, because $name includes "\n" returned by fgets(). You can use rtrim() to remove "\n".
If you are using your script in a Web page, there is no standard input.
If you don't want to open the standard input as a file handle yourself, you can use the constant STDIN predefined by PHP as the file handle for standard input.

How To Open Standard Output as a File Handle?
If you want to open the standard output as a file handle yourself, you can use the fopen("php://stdout") function. It creates a special file handle linking to the standard output, and returns the file handle. Once the standard output is opened to a file handle, you can use fwrite() to write data to the starndard output like a regular file. Here is a PHP script example on how to write to standard output:
$stdout = fopen("php://stdout", "w");
fwrite($stdout,"To do:\n");
fwrite($stdout,"Looking for PHP hosting provider!\n");
This script will print:
What's your name?
To do:
Looking for PHP hosting provider!
If you don't want to open the standard output as a file handle yourself, you can use the constant STDOUT predefined by PHP as the file handle for standard output.
If you are using your script in a Web page, standard output is merged into the Web page HTML document.
print() and echo() also writes to standard output.

How To Create a Directory?
You can use the mkdir() function to create a directory. Here is a PHP script example on how to use mkdir():
if (file_exists("/temp/download")) {
print("Directory already exists.\n");
} else {
print("Directory created.\n");
This script will print:
Directory created.
If you run this script again, it will print:
Directory already exists.

How To Remove an Empty Directory?
If you have an empty existing directory and you want to remove it, you can use the rmdir(). Here is a PHP script example on how to use rmdir():
if (file_exists("/temp/download")) {
print("Directory removed.\n");
} else {
print("Directory does not exist.\n");
This script will print:
Directory removed.
If you run this script again, it will print:
Directory does not exist.

How To Remove a File?
If you want to remove an existing file, you can use the unlink() function. Here is a PHP script example on how to use unlink():
if (file_exists("/temp/todo.txt")) {
print("File removed.\n");
} else {
print("File does not exist.\n");
This script will print:
File removed.
If you run this script again, it will print:
File does not exist.

How To Copy a File?
If you have a file and want to make a copy to create a new file, you can use the copy() function. Here is a PHP script example on how to use copy():
copy("/windows/system32/ping.exe", "/temp/myPing.exe");
if (file_exists("/temp/myPing.exe")) {
print("A copy of ping.exe is created.\n");
This script will print:
A copy of ping.exe is created.

How To Dump the Contents of a Directory into an Array?
If you want to get the contents of a directory into an array, you can use the scandir() function. It gets a list of all the files and sub directories of the specified directory and returns the list as an array. The returning list also includes two specify entries: (.) and (..). Here is a PHP script example on how to use scandir():
$array["one"] = "Download PHP scripts at\r\n";
$array["two"] = "Download Perl scripts at\r\n";
$bytes = file_put_contents("/temp/download/todo.txt", $array);
$files = scandir("/temp/download");
This script will print:
[0] => .
[1] => ..
[2] => todo.txt

How To Read a Directory One Entry at a Time?
If you want to read a directory one entry at a time, you can use opendir() to open the specified directory to create a directory handle, then use readdir() to read the directory contents through the directory handle one entry at a time. readdir() returns the current entry located by the directory pointer and moves the pointer to the next entry. When end of directory is reached, readdir() returns Boolean false. Here is a PHP script example on how to use opendir() and readdir():
$array["one"] = "Download PHP scripts at\r\n";
$array["two"] = "Download Perl scripts at\r\n";
$bytes = file_put_contents("/temp/download/todo.txt", $array);
print("List of files:\n");
$dir = opendir("/temp/download");
while ( ($file=readdir($dir)) !== false ) {
This script will print:
List of files:

How To Get the Directory Name out of a File Path Name?
If you have the full path name of a file, and want to get the directory name portion of the path name, you can use the dirname() function. It breaks the full path name at the last directory path delimiter (/) or (\), and returns the first portion as the directory name. Here is a PHP script example on how to use dirname():
$pathName = "/temp/download/todo.txt";
$dirName = dirname($pathName);
print("File full path name: $pathName\n");
print("File directory name: $dirName\n");
This script will print:
File full path name: /temp/download/todo.txt
File directory name: /temp/download

How To Break a File Path Name into Parts?
If you have a file name, and want to get different parts of the file name, you can use the pathinfo() function. It breaks the file name into 3 parts: directory name, file base name and file extension; and returns them in an array. Here is a PHP script example on how to use pathinfo():
$pathName = "/temp/download/todo.txt";
$parts = pathinfo($pathName);
This script will print:
[dirname] => /temp/download
[basename] => todo.txt
[extension] => txt

How To Create a Web Form?
If you take input data from visitors on your Web site, you can create a Web form with input fields to allow visitors to fill in data and submit the data to your server for processing. A Web form can be created with the <FORM> tag with some input tags. The &FORM tag should be written in the following format:
<form action=processing.php method=get/post>
Where "processing.php" specifies the PHP page that processes the submitted data in the form.

What Are Form Input HTML Tags?
HTML tags that can be used in a form to collect input data are:
<SUBMIT ...> - Displayed as a button allow users to submit the form.<INPUT TYPE=TEXT ...> - Displayed as an input field to take an input string.<INPUT TYPE=RADIO ...> - Displayed as a radio button to take an input flag.<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX ...> - Displayed as a checkbox button to take an input flag.<SELECT ...> - Displayed as a dropdown list to take input selection.<TEXTAREA ...> - Displayed as an input area to take a large amount of input text.

How To Generate a Form?
Generating a form seems to be easy. You can use PHP output statements to generate the required <FORM> tag and other input tags. But you should consider to organized your input fields in a table to make your form looks good on the screen. The PHP script below shows you a good example of HTML forms:
print("<html><form action=processing_forms.php method=post>");
print("<table><tr><td colspan=2>Please enter and submit your"
." comments about</td></tr>");
print("<tr><td>Your Name:</td>"
."<td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>\n");
."<td><input type=text name=comment></td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td colspan=2><input type=submit><td></tr></table>\n");
If you save this script as a PHP page, submit_comments.php, on your Web site, and view this page, you will see a simple Web form.

Where Is the Submitted Form Data Stored?
When a user submit a form on your Web server, user entered data will be transferred to the PHP engine, which will make the submitted data available to your PHP script for processing in pre-defined arrays:
$_GET - An associate array that store form data submitted with the GET method.$_POST - An associate array that store form data submitted with the POST method.$_REQUEST - An associate array that store form data submitted with either GET or POST method. $_REQUEST also contains the cookie values received back from the browser.How To Retrieve the Submitted Form Data?
The best way to retrieve the form data submitted by your visitor is to use the $_REQUEST array. The keys in this array will be the field names defined in form. The values in this array will be the values entered by your visitor in the input fields. The PHP script below, processing_forms.php, shows you how to retrieve form data submitted with the PHP page presented in the previous tutorial exercise:
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
$comment = $_REQUEST['comment'];
print("You have submitted the following information:\n");
print(" Name = $name\n");
print(" Comments = $comment\n");
print("Thank you!\n");
If you copy both scripts, submit_comments.php and processing_forms.php, to your Web server, and submit some data like: "Bill Bush" and "Nice site.", you will get something like:
You have submitted the following information:
Name = Bill Bush
Comments = Nice site.

What Happens If an Expected Input Field Was Not Submitted?
Obviously, if an expected input field was not submitted, there will no entry in the $_REQUEST array for that field. You may get an execution error, if you are not checking the existence of the expected entries in $_REQUEST. For example, if you copy processing_forms.php to your local Web server, and run your browser with http://localhost/processing_forms.php?name=Joe, you will an error page like this:
You have submitted the following information:
Name = Joe
Comments =
Thank you!
 PHP Notice: Undefined index:
  comment in ...\processing_forms.php on line 3

How To Avoid the Undefined Index Error?
If you don't want your PHP page to give out errors as shown in the previous exercise, you should consider checking all expected input fields in $_REQUEST with the isset() function as shown in the example script below:
if (isset($_REQUEST['name'])) {
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
} else {
$name = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST['comment'])) {
$comment = $_REQUEST['comment'];
} else {
$comment = "";
print("You have submitted the following information:\n");
print(" Name = $name\n");
print(" Comments = $comment\n");
print("Thank you!\n");

How To List All Values of Submitted Fields?
If you want list all values of submitted fields, you can write a simple loop to retrieve all entries in the $_REQUEST array. Below is an improved version of processing_forms.php to list all submited input values:
$count = count($_REQUEST);
print("Number of values: $count\n");
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key=>$value) {
print(" $key = $value\n");
If you test this with submit_comments.php on your Web server, you will get something like:
Number of values: 2
name = Pickzy Center
comment = Good job.

What Are the Input Values of SELECT Tags?
SELECT tags are used in forms to provide dropdown lists. Entris in a dropdown list are defined by OPTION tags, which can provide input values in two ways:
Implicit value - Provided as <OPTION>input_value</OPTION>, where input_value will be used as both the dropdown entry and the input value if this entry is selected.Explicit value - Provided as <OPTION VALUE=input_value>display_value</OPTION>, where display_value will be used as the download entry, and input_value will be used as the input value if this entry is selected.The sample PHP script page below is a modified version of submit_comments.php that has one SELECT tag named as "job" using implicit input values and another SELECT tag named s "site" using explicit input values:
print("<html><form action=processing_forms.php method=post>");
print("<table><tr><td colspan=2>Please enter and submit your"
." comments about</td></tr>");
print("<tr><td>Your Name:</td>"
."<td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td>Your Job Title:</td>"
."<td><select name=job>"
."<option>QA Engineer</option>"
print("<tr><td>Rate This Site:</td>"
."<td><select name=rate>"
."<option value=3>Good</option>"
."<option value=2>Average</option>"
."<option value=1>Poor</option>"
."<td><input type=text name=comment></td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td colspan=2><input type=submit><td></tr></table>\n");
If you submit the form with this page, you will get something like this:
Number of values: 4
name = Joe
job = Developer
rate = 3
comment = I like it.

How To Specify Input Values for Radio Buttons?
Radio buttons can be used in a form for two situations:
As a single switch - One <INPUT TYPE=RADIO ...> tag, with no input value specified. When submitted with button pushed down, you will receive a value of "on". When submitted with button not pushed, this field will not be submitted.As a group of exclusive selections - Multiple <INPUT TYPE=RADIO ...> tags with the same field name with different input values specified in the "value" attribute. When submitted, only one input value that associated with pushed button will be submitted.The sample PHP script page below is a modified version of submit_comments.php that has one group of exclusive radio buttons named as "job" and single switch named as "rate":
print("<html><form action=processing_forms.php method=post>");
print("<table><tr><td colspan=2>Please enter and submit your"
." comments about</td></tr>");
print("<tr><td>Your Name:</td>"
."<td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td>Your Job Title:</td>"
."<td><input type=radio name=job value=dev>Developer  "
."<input type=radio name=job value=sqa>QA Engineer  "
."<input type=radio name=job value=dba>DBA  "
."<input type=radio name=job value=other>Other  "
print("<tr><td>Like Site:</td>"
."<td><input type=radio name=rate></td></tr>\n");
."<td><input type=text name=comment></td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td colspan=2><input type=submit><td></tr></table>\n");
If you submit the form with this page, you will get something like this:
Number of values: 4
name = Sue
job = sqa
rate = on
comment = Will visit again.

How To Specify Input Values for Checkboxes?
Checkboxes can be used in a form for two situations:
As a single switch - One <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX ...> tag, with no input value specified. When submitted with button pushed down, you will receive a value of "on". When submitted with button not pushed, this field will not be submitted.As a group of multiple selections - Multiple <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX ...> tags with the same field name with different input values specified in the "value" attribute. When submitted, input values that associated with checked boxes will be submitted.The sample PHP script page below is a modified version of submit_comments.php that has one group of multiple checkboxes and single switch:
print("<html><form action=processing_forms.php method=post>");
print("<table><tr><td colspan=2>Please enter and submit your"
." comments about</td></tr>");
print("<tr><td>Your Name:</td>"
."<td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td>Site Visited:</td><td>"
."<input type=checkbox name=site value=dev>Dev PICKZY Center  "
."<input type=checkbox name=site value=sqa>SQA PICKZY Center  "
."<input type=checkbox name=site value=dba>DBA PICKZY Center  "
print("<tr><td>Like Site:</td>"
."<td><input type=checkbox name=rate></td></tr>\n");
."<td><input type=text name=comment></td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td colspan=2><input type=submit><td></tr></table>\n");
If you submit the form with this page, you will get something like this:
Number of values: 4
name = Peter
site = dba
rate = on
comment = All good sites
But there is a problem with script in processing_forms.php. It picks up only one of the input values selected from the checkbox group. See the next tip for solutions.

How To Retrieve Input Values for Checkboxes Properly?
If multiple input values are submitted with the same field name, like the case of a group of checkboxes, you should add ([]) to the end of the field name. This tells the PHP engine that multiple values are expected for this field. The engine will then store the values in an indexed array, and put the array as the "value" in $_REQUEST. In order to retrieve multiple values of checkboxes properly, you need to treat $_REQUEST[field_name] as an array. The following PHP script is an enhanced version of processing_forms.php that handles multiple values properly:
$count = count($_REQUEST);
print("Number of values: $count\n");
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key=>$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
     print(" $key is an array\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) {
print(" ".$key."[".$i."] = ".$value[$i]."\n");
} else {
      print(" $key = $value\n");
Now you need to modify the submit_comments.php as:
print("<html><form action=processing_forms.php method=post>");
print("<table><tr><td colspan=2>Please enter and submit your"
." comments about</td></tr>");
print("<tr><td>Your Name:</td>"
."<td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td>Site Visited:</td><td>"
."<input type=checkbox name=site[] value=dev>Dev PICKZY Center, "
."<input type=checkbox name=site[] value=sqa>SQA PICKZY Center, "
."<input type=checkbox name=site[] value=dba>DBA PICKZY Center "
print("<tr><td>Like Site:</td>"
."<td><input type=checkbox name=rate></td></tr>\n");
."<td><input type=text name=comment></td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td colspan=2><input type=submit><td></tr></table>\n");
If you test the form by selecting two checkboxes, you will get something like this:
Number of values: 4
name = Mary
site is an array
site[0] = dev
site[1] = sqa
rate = on
comment = Good sites for developers.

How To Supply Default Values for Text Fields?
If you want to provide a default value to a text field in your form, you need to pay attention to following notes:
The default value should be provided in the 'VALUE=default_value' attribute in the &ltINPUT TYPE=TEXT ...> tag.The length of the default value should be less than the max length specified in the "MAXLENGTH=nnn" attribute. If you provide default value longer than the max length, the default value will be truncated when submitted.You should put the default value inside double-quotes as 'VALUE="$default_value"' to protect spaces.You must apply htmlspecialchars() translation function to the default value to protect HTML sensitive characters, like double quotes.The PHP script below is a modified version of submit_comments.php with a default value in the "comment" field:
$comment = 'I want to say: "It\'s a good site! :->"';
$comment = htmlspecialchars($comment);
print("<html><form action=processing_forms.php method=post>");
print("<table><tr><td colspan=2>Please enter and submit your"
." comments about</td></tr>");
print("<tr><td>Your Name:</td>"
."<td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>\n");
."<td><input type=text name=comment value=\"$comment\" size=40>"
print("<tr><td colspan=2><input type=submit><td></tr></table>\n");
If you view this PHP page, you will a form with default value nicely displayed in the comment field. If you submit the form, you will get something like this:
Number of values: 2
name = Alan
comment = I want to say: \"It\'s a good site! :->\"
Notice that special characters are protected with slashes when form is submitted. See the next tip on how to remove slashes.

How To Remove Slashes on Submitted Input Values?
By default, when input values are submitted to the PHP engine, it will add slashes to protect single quotes and double quotes. You should remove those slashes to get the original values by applying the stripslashes() function. Note that PHP engine will add slashes if the magic_quotes_gpc switch is turned off. The PHP script below is an enhanced version of processing_forms.php with slashes removed when magic_quotes_gpc is turned on:
$count = count($_REQUEST);
print("Number of values: $count\n");
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key=>$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
print(" $key is an array\n");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) {
$sub_value = $value[$i];
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$sub_value = stripslashes($sub_value);
print(" ".$key."[".$i."] = ".$sub_value."\n");
} else {
      if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$value = stripslashes($value);
print(" $key = $value\n");
Now if you submit the same data again as in the previous exercise, you will get the original values as:
Number of values: 2
name = Alan
comment = I want to say: "It's a good site! :->"

How To Support Multiple Submit Buttons?
Sometimes, you may need to give visitors multiple submit buttons on a single form to allow them to submit the form for different purposes. For example, when you show your customer a purchase order in a Web form, you may give your customer 3 submit buttons as "Save", "Copy", and "Delete". You can do this by adding "name" and "value" attributes to the <INPUT TYPE=submit ...> tags to differentiate the buttons. The following PHP script is a modified version of submit_comments.php with 3 submit buttons:
$comment = 'I want to say: "It\'s a good site! :->"';
$comment = htmlspecialchars($comment);
print("<html><form action=processing_forms.php method=post>");
print("<table><tr><td colspan=2>Please enter and submit your"
." comments about</td></tr>");
print("<tr><td>Your Name:</td>"
."<td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>\n");
."<td><input type=text name=comment value=\"$comment\" size=40>"
print("<tr><td colspan=2>"
.'<input type=submit name=submit value="Submit now">'
.'<input type=submit name=submit value="Save only">'
.'<input type=submit name=submit value="Cancel">'
If you view this PHP page, you will see 3 buttons. If submit the form by clicking the "Save only" button, you will get something like this:
Number of values: 3
name = Peter
comment = I want to say: "It's a good site! :->"
submit = Save only
Obviously, different code logics should be written based on the received value of the "submit" field.

How To Support Hidden Form Fields?
Hidden fields are special fields in a form that are not shown on the Web page. But when the form is submitted, values specified in the hidden fields are also submitted to the Web server. A hidden field can be specified with the <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN ...> tag. The PHP script below shows you a good example:
print("<html><form action=processing_forms.php method=post>");
print("<input type=hidden name=module value=FAQ>\n");
print("<table><tr><td colspan=2>Please enter and submit your"
." comments about</td></tr>");
print("<tr><td>Your Name:</td>"
."<td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>\n");
."<td><input type=text name=comment size=40>"
print("<tr><td colspan=2>"
.'<input type=submit name=submit value="Submit">'
If you submit this form, you will get something like this:
Number of values: 4
module = FAQ
name = Peter
comment = Thanks for the good tips.
submit = Submit
How To Generate and Process a Form with the Same Script?
In previous exercises, a Web form is generated by one script, and processed by another script. But you could write a single script to do both. You just need to remember to:
Use same script name as the form generation script in the "action" attribute in the <FORM> tag.Write two sections in the script: one for form generation, the other for form processing.Check one expected input to determine which section to use.The PHP script below shows you a good example:
if (!isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
  } else {
function generatingForm() {
print("<html><form action=submit_comments.php method=post>");
print("<input type=hidden name=module value=FAQ>\n");
print("<table><tr><td colspan=2>Please enter and submit your"
." comments about</td></tr>");
print("<tr><td>Your Name:</td>"
."<td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>\n");
."<td><input type=text name=comment size=40>"
print("<tr><td colspan=2>"
.'<input type=submit name=submit value="Submit">'
function processingForm() {
$count = count($_REQUEST);
print("Number of values: $count\n");
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key=>$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
print(" $key is an array\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) {
$sub_value = $value[$i];
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$sub_value = stripslashes($sub_value);
print(" ".$key."[".$i."] = ".$sub_value."\n");
} else {
      if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$value = stripslashes($value);
print(" $key = $value\n");
If you save this script as submit_comments.php on your Web server, and submit this form, you will get something like this:
Number of values: 4
module = FAQ
name = Ray
comment = Good site for beginners.
submit = Submit

How To Submit Values without a Form?
If you know the values you want to submit, you can code the values in a hyper link at the end of the URL. The additional values provided at the end of a URL is called query string. There are two suggestions on how to use query strings to submit values to the receiving script page:
Code values in the same way as the form method GET as: url?name=value&name=value... This allows the receiving script to retrieve input values in the $_REQUEST array or $_GET array.Code values in your own wan as: url?your_values_in_your_format. The receiving script needs to pick up the input values in $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].Here is a simple script page that shows you two hyper links with query strings in different formats:
print("<p>Please click the links below"
." to submit comments about</p>");
.'<a href="processing_forms.php?name=Guest&comment=Excellent">'
."It's an excellent site!</a></p>");
.'<a href="processing_forms.php?Visitor,Average">'
."It's an average site.</a></p>");
If you copy this script as submit_comments.php to your Web server, and click the first link, you will get:
Number of values: 2
name = Guest
comment = Excellent
If you click the second link, the current processing_forms.php will not pick up input values from $_REQUEST properly as showb below:
Number of values: 1
Visitor,Average =

How To Retrieve the Original Query String?
If you have coded some values in the URL without using the standard form GET format, you need to retrieve those values in the original query string in $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']. The script below is an enhanced version of processing_forms.php which print the original query string:
print(" query_string = {$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}\n");
$count = count($_REQUEST);
print("Number of values: $count\n");
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key=>$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
print(" $key is an array\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) {
$sub_value = $value[$i];
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$sub_value = stripslashes($sub_value);
print(" ".$key."[".$i."] = ".$sub_value."\n");
} else {
      if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$value = stripslashes($value);
print(" $key = $value\n");

How To Protect Special Characters in Query String?
If you want to include special characters like spaces in the query string, you need to protect them by applying the urlencode() translation function. The script below shows how to use urlencode():
print("<p>Please click the links below"
." to submit comments about</p>");
$comment = 'I want to say: "It\'s a good site! :->"';
$comment = urlencode($comment);
."<a href=\"processing_forms.php?name=Guest&comment=$comment\">"
."It's an excellent site!</a></p>");
$comment = 'This visitor said: "It\'s an average site! :-("';
$comment = urlencode($comment);
.'<a href="processing_forms.php?'.$comment.'">'
."It's an average site.</a></p>");
If you copy this script as submit_comments.php to your Web server, and click the first link, you will get:
query_string = name=Guest&comment=
Number of values: 2
name = Guest
comment = I want to say: "It's a good site! :->"
If you click the second link, you will get:
    = This+visitor+said%3A+%22It%27s+an+average+site%21+%3A-%28%22
Number of values: 1
This_visitor_said:_\"It\'s_an_average_site!_:-(\" =
Now you know that urlencode() all special characters into HEX numbers. To translate them back, you need to apply urldecode().

How To Support Multiple-Page Forms?
If you have a long form with a lots of fields, you may want to divide the fields into multiple groups and present multiple pages with one group of fields on one page. This makes the a long form more user-friendly. However, this requires you to write good scripts that:
When processing the first page and other middle pages, you must keep those input values collected so far in the session or as hidden values in the next page form.When processing the last page, you should collect all input values from all pages for final process, like saving everything to the database.What Is a Cookie?
A cookie is a small amount of information sent by a Web server to a web browser and then sent back unchanged by the browser each time it accesses that server. HTTP cookies are used for authenticating, tracking, and maintaining specific information about users, such as site preferences and the contents of their electronic shopping carts. The term "cookie" is derived from "magic cookie", a well-known concept in computing which inspired both the idea and the name of HTTP cookies.
A cookie consists of a cookie name and cookie value. For example, you can design a cookie with a name of "LoginName" and a value of "PICKZYCenter".

How To Send a Cookie to the Browser?
If you want to sent a cookie to the browser when it comes to request your PHP page, you can use the setcookie( ) function. Note that you should call setcookie() function before any output statements. The following script shows you how to set cookies:
print("2 cookies were delivered.\n");

How To Receive a Cookie from the Browser?
If you know that a cookie has been sent to the browser when it was visiting the server previously, you can check the built-in $_COOKIE array, which contains all cookies that were sent by the server previously. The script below shows you how to pickup one cookie from the $_COOKIE and loop through all cookies in $_COOKIE:

if (isset($_COOKIE["LoginName"])) {
$loginName = $_COOKIE["LoginName"];
print("Received a cookie named as LoginName: ".$loginName."\n");
} else {
print("Did not received any cookie named as LoginName.\n");
print("All cookies received:\n");
foreach ($_COOKIE as $name => $value) {
print " $name = $value\n";

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