1.artificial intelligence network load balancing using ant colonyoptimization
2.automated employee information system
3.cms applications c#, content management system
4.convolution filters
5.crm - call centre management c#+
6.data hiding additional files in a zip archive
7.database schema comparison utility c#
8.portfolio manager - bse, nse, mutual fund c# net9.property management system, propertybiz – design & buildrequirements
10.steganography for data hiding messages in midi songs11.steganography for data reading and writing avi files
12.steganography for hiding data in wave audio files
13.steganography for indexed images and their palettes
14.steganography for multiple key and carrier files
15.steganography for regions with different data density
16.tcpip chat clientserver using c#17.text text steganography
18.trust management in distributed systems
19.using trigonometry and pythagoras to watermark an image
20.windows management instrumentation wmi implementation
21.workflow mining discovering process models from event logs – ieee
22.edge detection filters
23.edge detection in images with wavelet transform
24.file encryption decryption with hash verification
25.flood fill algorithms in c# and gdi+
26.genetic algorithms and the traveling salesman problem using c# andatl com
27.hiding binary data in html documents
28.hiding messages in the noise of a picture
29.hopfield model of neural network for pattern recognition30.image processing for bilinear filters and resizing
31.image processing for displacement filters, including swirl32.image processing for the hsl color space
33.image recognition with neural networks34.library management system35.mobile bluetooth social networking
36.mobile phone file transferring
37.multiple ant colonies optimization for load balancing in distributedsystems – ieee
38.my explorer in c sharp
39.neural network for unicode optical character recognition
40.employee management system
41.automobiles india online - specs, features, review, comparison, on-road price, photos
42.building intelligent shopping assistant using data mining techniquefor web services
43.cac – connection admission control using atm networksimplementation
44.cargo tracking system design & implementation
![Description: http://htmlimg3.scribdassets.com/35s0xaemv4epkdd/images/1-6ec12b887a.jpg](file:///C:\Users\STEPHE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\02\clip_image001.jpg)
45.data mining implementation for credit cards application processingsystem
46.dealership management system – dealers information & dealingsprocess manager
47.defect tracking tool – enterprise project and defect tracking system- ieee
48.digital image processing with multi domain approach
49.digital signature verification using neural networks50.distributed component router based crm – customer relationshipmanagement
51.distributed component router based supply chain management - scm
52.distributed data mining in credit card fraud detection analysis - ieee
53.document archival management system – electronic archival design
54.dynamic advertisement posting website
55.dynamic university linking & data integrity maintenance
56.e career and consultancy services
57.e governance management design & implementation
58.implementation of authenticated and dynamic logistics supportsystem & management - ieee
59.dynamic online professional e recruitment & management system
60.erp application – integrated enterprise solutions with strategicadvantages
61.face recognition using neural network system
62.freelance services – projects online for services provides andservice seekers
63.hand written character recognition & generation using artificialneural network
64.integrated & networked internet mailing, browsing and messagingsystem & solutions65.integrated internet monitoring and messaging system
66.integrated network monitoring and management system67.intelli social networking portal with chat, messaging and sharing
68.intelli wap system implementation / wap based information retrievalsystem
69.intelligent network information and messaging system
70.inter office messaging ssytem – ioms, office automation system
71.job portal with career guidance services, resume services andspecialized search engine
72.loans bazaar - loans services, apply, compare & get loans
73.materials management system with forecasting implementation
74.multi router traffic monitor implementation
75.network simulation and communicator with remote administrationtool76.network traffic monitoring & web administration
77.online apartment management system
78.online asset management solution implementation
79.online auction & bidding system with multi brand & product selection -design and implementation
80.online automobile website management81.online banner advertisement management
82.online call centre management
83.online crm - call centre management
84.online file exchange / share management
85.online hr consultancy & recruitment services
86.online intellectual quiz biz87.online leasing management system with e-commerce
88.online newsletter management
89.online on-request courses coordination system
90.online photo gallery management
91.online portfolio manager – equity trading & mutual funds management- stock / share trading
92.online vrs – vehicle reservation sytem
93.online wedding tracker, a service providing application for amarriage from a to z options
94.photo - image editor for the image management industries
95.professional e banking system – online banking services
96.project scrutinizer – project tracking system
97.retrieving files using content based searching and displaying them ina carousel view
98.secure electronic transactions - e secure transactions - ieee
99.secure optimal cyclic cryptographic system
100.vertical marketing implementation – analyze the current marketposition
101.virtual classroom – design & implementation
102.web administration and web information system
103.web based service flow automation
104.web based supply chain execution, store management with customersrelationship management
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